beyond the glitters
You know how common it is for girls who daydream their way to their special day... I am not an exemption. Of course, I know what I like on that special day. The overall look and the intricate details, I already have a draft. Who my sponsors and my entourage lineup, however, changes. Why, my best bachelorettes are either tied down or about to get tied. I, on the other hand, have a long way to go and a person to wait. I certainly hope, I wouldn’t wait till skeleton. Never, Lord. Deep in my heart, I wished I had a serious relationship early on, or perhaps, a number of “explorative” relationships. Those kind of relationships that make up for youth--- foolish, rigorous even wild. I wished I got to taste it, so that by now, it wouldn’t be awkward and perhaps, I’ve learned so much better from those experiences. I have limited encounters and generally, it’s either one-sided or oblivious. I have guys that I like, some never knew, some pretend not to know, some liked me back. Hoor...