
Showing posts from October, 2015


INSECURE? The thing is I have never been the insecure type. I grew up with the attention and sufficient love from the people around me. I am secured with what and who I have. I may not have everything but I am fortunate enough to feel contented and to me, that is enough. In recent years, I have chased dreams and put myself to risks. One after another. I have made decisions; I solely, am responsible for its consequences. I can say I come out strong from it. But in recent episodes of my life, I have begun to develop anxiety. It came as a shock, that now, I am feeling these emotions. Could it be the hormones? (As it did to my blemish-free face ? Could it be the society’s pressure? Could it be just me feeling all worried without sense?) I DON’T KNOW. For one, the idea that I will be left out overwhelms me and drowns my sanity. I have moments when I feel EXTREMELY lonely, bored and anxious. Socializing stresses me so much. I always remind myself to get out there...