healthy options
Can I do it? So the thoughts of going back to law school feels like a good idea. I’m keeping myself busy for something that I am interested in. I feel like it is about time for me to finish what I started. Of course I know the sacrifices of being a law student. Once upon a time, I am a freshman joggling between my job and school. I get really anxious when the clock hits 5 and we will be having an oral recitation with my Fiscal Professor at 6pm. Talk about never to be late or else you’d never be allowed to enter his class. What’s aggravating is that, when you were marked absent, sure thing, you will be called on the next session and if by chance, you gave the wrong answer, you’d end up standing the whole period. He is the badass. But really, me being a law student back then, it was just a fun thing. I am never too serious about it. It’s just like something to fill in the gaps after work. I feel as though, I have never really tried hard enough and made an effort to burn my b...