
Showing posts from February, 2011


Guess what? I missed Manila. I missed how the malls raise their "come-ons" and places to go are a plenty. I missed how I seem to forget all my worries behind and just enjoy the sights. And yes, that would include yummy guys. lol I went to Manila last week. I stayed at a friend's house and had the best of time. I went to a couple of malls and almost did my autograph signing. I went to ride MRT, realizing, I still choose working in SG over working in Manila. I went to ride taxis, and was delighted to know that not all taxis are calibrated to 40php flag down. Savings much eh? Of course, I also tried riding in a bus. Funny how I felt really nervous sitting beside a tattooed- weirdo girl, chewing some bubble gum almost looking as if a gang member. In my mind, "Girl, you gotta be kidding me, I'm a big bully than you are! Regards to Rugby Girls batch 90!" lol. And then the bus stopped, the images of the bombing flashed my mind, Oh God, please not me. Not now. Not e...


Yes. And I was like, "will I?" "should I?" "can I?" and it should be answerable by that one word. So here I am again caught up with my own brand of dilemma. Confusion. I am quite sick about these thoughts but as I grow older I think I just can't avoid any of it. And as I cross my known paths, there goes the bridge where I am to stop and ask myself in wide eyes, "Go? or No?" In this bridge is the answer to my known freedom. In this bridge is the make or break of an aspect of my life. Let me weigh things as it should be. If I ever decide to go, what do I lose? What do I rightfully gain? And if otherwise I choose to say No and stay, Wouldn't I regret this one chance? Wouldn't I feel as if I am stuck in the moment and chose to waive the course as it is expected? You see, here I am again. Here I am with same old thought. The intensity of a decision. To say the least, this is not the majorest of my decisions so far, this is just one of thos...


I missed the girl I was with almost four years ago. I missed the girl who used to care less about what the people thinks about her and lets herself be who she really is. I missed the girl who cries in almost every sad movie she sees on tv and quickly hides her tears the moment someone looks at her. I missed the girl who stays strong even when her knees are almost falling apart. I missed the girl who writes and hopes that her pieces be read by the persons she offer it with. I missed her laughter. I missed how she jokes about almost everything even if she's in the most degree of pressure. I missed how compelling she is and how uncomplaining she was. I missed how her coolness overflows and radiates to the people she's with. But most especially I missed how she thinks of her dreams. Of high her hopes are and of how far her planned adventures were. I missed her enthusiasm. Her zest for life. I missed how eager she is to learn and explore things. I missed how she dreams and sees her ...