free for all
It takes a lot of courage to pull your self together. It takes a lot of faith to survive a single day. It takes a lot of love to continue living. You see, it is very difficult to be who we are. It is difficult to assume a role that you would carry through no matter what happens. It is hard to continue rowing despite the harsh winds and rueful waves. But why do we seek out to proceed? Why do we go through it all when we know for sure that everything ends? Despite the challenges and the little triumphs, we know it all fades. Whatever we have, we own it. Temporarily. So why do we aim to get more when we do know how fickle this life is? A taste of the air up above will never equal to the polluted wind I keep on breathing in most of my life. But I proceed to nurture life… Perhaps, we’re made this way. We do have an idea where or how it ends yet we’re thrilled to go beyond what we know. Eager for surprises that would make us smile or be weary. Between the points A and E-nd...