Friends (TV Series 1994–2004) - IMDb

I am so damn late!

Like all else in my life, I am late even as a fan of FRIENDS! You heard me. I have just become a fan of this show. Imagine, it’s been around since the 1990s and I just had the opportunity to sit down and watch it uninterrupted?

It’s never too late, they said. Yes! I get to post snippets from the show, appreciate the OSTs and best of all, discern who I am similar with. Was it Rachel, a go-getter who claimed her independence by earning what she eats? Was it Monica, highly competitive, obsessive-compulsive? Was it Phoebe, just funny and weird but real? Was it Joey, loyal and dependable to his friends? Was it Ross, intelligent but impractical at times? OR.. Chandler, self-proclaimed pessimist but loving?

I am guessing I am a little bit of all of them. Or at least, that’s what I think. But if there’s a favorite, I would love to be Phoebe. She doesn’t have a care in the world. She’s weird. She almost always has strange ideas and justifications. She’s sometimes dumb. But she has a big heart. Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you? See? She has the biggest of hearts to be too concerned about cats,how much more about mankind?

What I love about this show, albeit the late discovery, is that it cheers me up. There’s this certain lift of emotions every time I watch. For example, there’s this day that I am feeling irritable. I am simply out of the mood. I watched FRIENDS and halfway towards an episode, my mood has been lifted!

I’m taking a mental note to remember this show on days that I feel down. It will help boost my enthusiasm.

My major takeaway from this show is that friends are really your chosen family. You don’t have to be blood related to feel closeness. You just have to be a friend and true friends will find you. I like that it also shows the realities of friendships such as being jealous or possessive of your friends, having arguments and conflicts, swapping boyfriends and beaus. Haha

Anyway, nevermind me being late in giving my full attention to this show. It’s better late than never! Teehee!


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