keeping mum
Words are indispensable.
In my case, it's complicatedly beyond indispensability.
Sometimes, talking does all the stuffs leaving no room for discovery later on. Where is the surprise in that? Where is the mind-boggling mystery yet to be discovered? Where is the drive to delve deeper to get the whole picture? You see, talking just preempts everything.
Something happened? Not that it's life threatening.
Perhaps, I am just being paranoid. Oh well, a long list of realization. Hear this out! I realized...
...It's high time for me to just be silent from time to time. The problem lies in the sharing of thoughts and later on commanding the topic. It isn't right. Although, it could be fun but it just eliminates the ability of the others to share.
...that the more sharing goes on, the more stories are coming out which should not be told. At least not in a way that could trigger more and more questions, and yes, intrigues.
...that sometimes, my words are used against me. A simple joke can become a fact. It's relayed that fast. Message Relay much? Why do I get this feeling of being taken seriously when I am joking and being taken jokingly when I am serious? Now, I'm confused.
Little do they know about me, or there's probably something within the expression, the delivery, the manner of talking etc. There's probably something with the spark of the eyes, the movement of the lips, the mischief. Really, sometimes I get to be judged just because I have a grim face. And yes, I am oftentimes labeled as a snob. I don't know, I'm sure it's got to do with the face.
Now my solution is to talk less. Perhaps, blogging more? At least in here, this is my private space. A domain for my thoughts. Hmn, the reason why I posted this blog's link and erased it in my facebook profile. I thought, my privacy might be invaded.
Anyhow, "Words can become daggers", that is so true. But I wish to live by "Words like music, eases the burden, strengthens the soul and do away sorrow."
Talk talk talk! =)