love less

And when I asked, "Are you an NBSB no more?"

she replied, "Officially, Today!"

Whoa! So there begins the love story of a recently Ex-NBSB. Exciting, what an understatement. I'm elated., ecstatic, blissful, words that would mean same thing as overly excited and on a super high. After twenty three years, coming out of the shell is quite liberating.

Imagine the barriers you set, the defenses you built and the barricades you created, the things you do for self-protection and perhaps, pain control mechanisms. It's not that easy to let go of all that. It's never easy to gamble especially if it involves feelings. It's like in finance, it depends whether you take the chance and gamble your money on a more risky investment with a promise of bigger income or you take up steady investments, safe capital, less income. It's a crossroad. It's a mind game. It's a game of chance.

Forgive me but I know I am not in the position to state how it feels like but believe me, it's how I feel. Loving someone, romantically that is, is an investment. You win some, you lose more. But it surely depends right? It depends on the cock you are betting on, it depends on the probability of a successful relationship which by the way is to be worked out for both the two of you.

I don't exactly know if I am ready to bet on any cock. I don't think I have the gift of a good judge of character. I am more of the go-whatever-come-what-may type. He who cosmes is he who conquers. Whatever.

But anyhow, I am just happy. I am happy that a new chapter has just began. I am happy thinking that she is happy. I am excited because she is excited. I don't know where it leads her but who would know other than those two people involved in a relationship right?

As for me, the hopes are kinda low. But it doesn't mean, I completely gave up on the idea of that. It's just that, priorities are all mixed up. Less time for love. Whenever it happens, I'd be one lucky hen. Oh crap, did I say hen? I mean, chick!

So there, goodluck my recently NBSB-NO-MORE friend. You deserve the best!

(Perhaps, that's the reason why you have me? )


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