
This is the time of my life wherein I can do the things I want,  go to places I've always dreamed of going, meet new people and yes, pursue some of my passion.

I have always been passionate about arts and I always wanted to paint. I have been passionate about travels and wanted to explore more in Asia and someday, Europe. Who knows right? But lately, I have been passionate about good food… food that I dare not waste by not eating it in full. Let's say, a plateful of baby back ribs…

When I was younger, when I order something and feel that I am already full. I set it aside. Not minding if I wasted food. Nowadays, I always feel hesitant to waste it. Why, I am buying it and earning is a lot of hard work and sacrifice.

My appetite has gone doubled and so is my weight. I used to think that among my family, I am the chosen one. I'd be the slim type, the belly-free family member. But who am I kidding?  I am now standing side by side my sister (who's a mother of two by the way) with a minimal variance in weight. And I am getting too much teasing, I'm very much single but I am weighing like a mother of 2 already! Ngaaaakkkk

Just recently, I have bumped into a friend. The last time we met, she was doubled but seeing her again, wow! She's becoming rather slim. I am envious. I asked her the secret, she just mentioned RUNNING! So then, I made up my mind to run as often as I can. Let's hit the gym and be serious about it!

Yeah yeah, I get it, it's rather easy to say than do! It was never my concern, the diet and getting physical thing but the more I grow older, my Gosh! It's taking so much of my thoughts. I believe that slow metabolism really hits you when you seem rather vulnerable. Ugh.

Anyway, I really wish to run three times a week, let's do it and it's not just doing it… I should do it religiously! Wish me luck! 60? Let's hit 55 and it's gonna be perfect!

Until then.



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