The scariest part of the year is about to unfold... Oh no! It's not yet November but it's.... Febscary. I mean February. I am quite sure most classrooms are adorned with a man and a woman, the man holding a bow and the woman, as I remembered, holding the heart and yes, it's in red. And the ceiling would be in overrated twirls and chains of red and colorful sorts. It's really predictable, yes the Valentines month. So why scary? One word: None. As in nada. zilch. zero. diet. no sugar. no date. no whatever. Although it's never new to me. My imaginative side just wants some exploration. Something that my mind could really dwell and makes my heart swell. Dinners. Flowers. Chocs. Letters. Hmnn, I wish... I wish... Forgive me but I seem to incline myself in a much more fairy old tale stories. my friend told me that my fairytale has not yet started and all I have to do is wait for it. Although the idea is so comforting, a part of me seems to disagree. Life is never a fairyt...