masquerade hangover
Remember my masko post?
The mask I've been telling you about? The one I revised three consecutive times? Twice I revised because I was not satisfied by the outcome. The third time, I had to revise because some forces of nature got in the way. Why, the lucky dog bit it almost in a ragged manner, with torn edge and peeling paint.
I got enraged by Dobbie (the dog) but again, everything happens for a reason. Plus, "HE'S JUST A DOG" statement by the dog owner herself, mother dearest. (mimicking a high-pitched kunsintidora mother, "he's just a kid!" Oh come on, crap!)
Anyway, Here's my most prized possession...

at syempre pa...

The mask I've been telling you about? The one I revised three consecutive times? Twice I revised because I was not satisfied by the outcome. The third time, I had to revise because some forces of nature got in the way. Why, the lucky dog bit it almost in a ragged manner, with torn edge and peeling paint.
I got enraged by Dobbie (the dog) but again, everything happens for a reason. Plus, "HE'S JUST A DOG" statement by the dog owner herself, mother dearest. (mimicking a high-pitched kunsintidora mother, "he's just a kid!" Oh come on, crap!)
Anyway, Here's my most prized possession...

at syempre pa...
