Travel is the purest form of rebellion… True, you rebel in such a way that you follow your heart despite your mind screaming in fear. You take steps further, braving the unknown. You take your intuition even if it means to be lost. Travel for me, is a therapy. The daily grind that I have to keep up is taking a toll on me physically, emotionally and mentally. Rushing for work, squeezing into the MRT, enduring long trips to come to office without being late… it’s gets tiring, adding to that is the fact that you are doing something that you always wish you’d want to change but don’t have the chance and choice to do so. Sometimes, you need to get away with everything that is so suffocating… even for a short while. Friends are telling me, “oh, you are rich! You travel so frequently” Why thank you, it is my self-expression but really, I used to explain why I’m doing things the way I do but now, I just don’t have the energy. I’d rather smile at the thought because I am comforted ...