buddy and seoul
“Gurl!! Let’s go to Korea !”
The message when I woke up one fine Saturday morning
(without work). Wow, my sister must’ve been really bored and was ready to perk
me up.
Since I am one of the devoted fans of Korean
dramas, it is with utmost pleasure to be able to visit Korea . It’s one
in my bucket list, really. My sister is also an avid fan but with ulterior
motive, I’m sure she’ll be into cosmetics shopping in Seoul .
I remembered when PRINCESS HOURS came out. My whole
family (dad, mom, sis and me) got really hooked with it. Because the local TV
is showing the series in bits, with the air time of commercials longer than the
series itself, we raided Uyanguren and found the DVD.
We spent the whole day watching it, without anyone
wanting to take his/her ass off from the couch. My mom and dad succumbed to
sleeping while my sis and I continued. We never really mind the time, the next
thing we knew, my mom and dad are up at 6am, the next day and because we were
afraid they’d scold us, my sis and I pretended to have slept in the sofa when
in fact, we stayed up all night and morning watching!
After that, I would search new dramas and read so
many plots and reviews that come along with it. I was too hooked that I’d go
home at the middle of the day to atleast watch an episode or two then go back
to school for my evening classes.
So my sister apparently asked my bro-in-law to let
her have a vacation in Seoul
with me and the b-i-l agreed. I told her to book a ticket in winter…
And until then, I am really looking forward to this
trip’s realization. That glorious moment of booking a ticket and preparing the
hotel, patiently and excitingly waiting for the day… ahhh… I hope to visit real
soon. See you there!