kramp foreveh!
Thank you girls!
I’m really touched when someone shows kindness to
my family. I have a very close relationship with my folks back home and while I
know that I could be distant with people sometimes, I yearn to bridge my family
to my friends.

I thank my best girls, Mary and Ai for the kind
treatment, without Mama Feeling left out. She told me she was very well taken
cared off. And I really appreciate that. I thank Kimmy for inviting her, it
means a lot to me, more than you’ll ever know.
Quite frankly, I was hesitant whether friends can
become closer after living apart. But Kimmy’s wedding proved that friends can
really do feel closer despite the time and distance. And even though I was not
there to witness the special day, I felt really happy that my mom joined the
event and she was treated like you treat your own moms.
I do feel that all this time, I am keeping a shade
darker than my bright self because I keep limits as to what friendship should be defined as. While I don’t
know if it’s right or wrong, I feel that it’s about time to turn that dark
shade into full color, that of a person confident on what she is and where she
Although I don’t say it much and I don’t like labelling
relationships, I am proud to say that though out the years, I have gained and
kept friends who are true, dependable and friends who’ll stick with you no
matter what.
To Yappy, I am still looking forward to the day that we’ll
be complete. I admire your patience and understanding. We just hold on to our
idea of true friends, the journey will never be smooth and arguments may last
but we know for sure, friendship takes faith to make it work.