
Define Success.

I used to define it in things I see and touch. Properties holding my name and bank accounts to boot. I also define it as a prominent career or a household name.

My definition is that of most of the society's. Successful people are those with stellar performance in their field of study or work. Those whose name we know because he is this or that, because he owns this or that.

But success… does it really mean that?

The older I get, the more I realize that I want to be successful… But success with a new definition.

Success now means being Happy, healthy and fulfilled. The more I expose myself to the world, the more demanding it gets. Career for example challenges me to be the best. I give my best and it sometimes fall short to what they want me to do. But should I be tagged as a failure just because I cannot do the things more than they require? I bet not.

Life is a series of challenges, the more you indulge, the deeper you go and need to fulfill. If our purpose is solely to overcome those challenges, what fun does life guarantee? Are we not equal to a mushroom budding everywhere just for the sake of existing (not that I look down on a mushroom, mind you, it's tasty!)

Seriously, isn't it pointless to wake up everyday just to do the tasks that you are obliged to do? To not savor the moment because you are busy grinding your head to do your job properly?

Of course, workaholics would defy me. But my question is, do our existence just mean to EARN a living rather than BE living?

And what good does HAVING more do than BEING more? Being more compassionate, friendly, giving… It outweighs more than anything in the world.

I just want to be happy. Happy to be alive and happy to bring joy to the people I meet and love.

Happiness means being contented. It means being a person of gratitude. To thank God countlessly for the blessings and not to summon Him to give me more. Happiness means valuing the people who mean to me. Those who inspire, encourage and remind me that everything will be alright. Happiness is knowing that whatever happens, God will never forsake me.

Success means being happy. For what good is it for a man to have everything but be lonely? What good is it to have so much when you know that there are hundreds outside your fence who doesn't have anything to eat? What good is it to spend so much time in an office, forgetting details of an anniversary, a birthday or a simple PTA meeting when the people you worked hard for needs your presence more than the money you gave them?

Success…. Society's definition confuse what's essential and what's not. We are blinded to fulfill the expectations rather than what makes us truly happy. We are itching to show off how successful we are to be respected, but do we need to go that far? I wonder.


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