Crossing the borders. To leave your family behind in search for a greener pasture, to pursue a job abroad so you can make a better future, to outwit life’s complexities from miles away to provide for a brighter path… so many reasons but it all boils down to LOVE. The sacrifices we make and the struggles we dare fight back are never easy. Sometimes, I feel as though I live in a world where my only purpose is to endure every single obstacle, come out of it intact, whatever that demands of me. Then came my sceptic side, were you asked to do so? Were you obliged? Bleh! Of course my answer would most likely fall under the stubborn, adventurous, ready-to-capture-the-world type of idea… It’s probably a NO to every question. I came out to live my life. To pursue a goal while I was young and capable. To chase a dream that I am entitled, or so I thought. The thrill was just too much to let it pass. I dared accept the challenge. I recently learned that the husband of a good frien...