
I’ve never been a fan of parents who tolerate their kids’ beck and call especially in the malls.
I find it annoying for kids to go in tantrums whenever their wishes aren’t granted. For me, it’s the duty of the parents to let their kids learn the value of discipline.

I think that every manner and right conduct is best enforced by parents because family is the basic unit in the society and all the values should be formed well in that small group. It irks me to see kids who go wild in malls especially when they are pointing stuff to buy for them.

My parents were key disciplinarians in my time. I didn’t have the chance to even go wild because a mere pointing can subject me to my “hearing” later on. My mom would do her tiger look and I knew, right then and there that I cannot push it any further.

I believe that whenever a child grows up to be a spoiled brat, during his/ her childhood, certain qualities show when he/she reaches adulthood. I do not think these qualities are outgrown but are brought forward as a manifestation.

Why do we think that some people are greedy? Because when they were kids, they used to get what they always want. By hook or by crook.

My recent encounter with a brat happened just recently. Basing from her stories, she was an uncontained child. She bullied her tutor, her classmates and very well perfected the art of going berserk once her wishes aren’t granted. Currently, she is an adult, owning her salary in whole and getting allowances from her parents every now and then, hot-tempered and would speak ill about any body without care when one gets into her nerves. And mind you, she does have tantrums, still! At age 34, would you believe?

I don’t own that I am one of her temperamental subjects because I simply do not have the patience to deal with her. I mean, I can act nonchalant about it because she was never directly involving me into her latest issues. Plus, I cannot stand BRATS.

Also, I have come to know someone who is a big brat by beating his wife and cheating on her. What a loser! At one instance, I found the wife (who is a friend) tagging her mother-in-law, asking her how she have brought up her child as a wife-beater and a complete a**hole. Awkward!

Again, my take on this is that, most of what we are today would show how we are brought up by our parents. True, there are certain influences around us, but most often than not, we are greatly influenced by what we saw and learned growing up.

Parenthood is such a challenging role. We reap what we sow. 


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