
Out of sight, out of mind.

I seem to be really getting the hang of it.

Remember when a good friend left SG recently?

Well, we’ve been very close. Skyping every day about everything.
When I’m upset, her line is always open to all my complaints, when I’m sad and feeling blue, she’d hear me out and give me advice. She was there, every single day, we chat our hearts out, having a reason to talk about every time.

Prior to her going back to PH for good, I was feeling really emotional.
I mean, who wouldn’t? I kept on thinking about having no one to share my struggles with on a daily basis. I kept on feeling burdened that I’d have to completely withdraw myself from her, because she will be having a new life and I don’t want to impose myself on her.

She promised me that we will keep in touch. Of course, I think so too. People are so connected nowadays with the innovation of technology.

However, I have come to realize, that although people change, the effect of the situation takes a toll on people more heavily.

We still contact each other from time to time. We still fool around on messages and see each other’s smiling faces on video calls.

But with not seeing her physically, and contacting not as often as we used to, I seem to share only stories with big impacts. I don’t have the time to whine about my job or my feelings in a certain situation anymore cause I might bore her out.

Out of sight… distance makes the heart go fonder. But it also creates a visible strife on relationships.


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