break in

i was deep in sleep when I heard someone telling me, “ter, are you okay?”

I didn’t realize I was screaming while asleep. But I knew I was screaming in my dream.

I dreamt about a neighbour trying to break in our house. A neighbour which we knew since birth.
He’s someone with a list of bad things. In my dream, I saw him hammering his way to break a glass window in the toilet.

In my dream, we were in the living room when I heard the knocking sound so I went to check where the noise is coming from and found myself in the the toilet and to my horror, I saw someone trying to smash in. I saw his face and the evil grin somewhat taunting me, “what can you do? I’m gonna get you!”. I was shocked, shaken and I screamed! I wanted to get my parents’ attention so they can run to find out what’s happening with me in the toilet.

I am now sitting in the office and somewhat having chest pains. I guess my dream extends in my reality. It’s like having to feel the pain although the cause is something from another dimension.
What the hell?!

And what could this dream mean?

I looked it up and it says something about:

 If you dream that someone broke into your house, you have a sense of being violated. Your personal boundaries have been crossed by someone.


To dream that someone is trying to break into your house indicates that some subconscious material is attempting to make itself known. ... Alternatively, the dreammay be about a current relationship or situation that is making you uncomfortable. You feel that you are losing your own identity or space.


To dream that your house is broken into, suggests that you are feeling violated. It may refer to a particular relationship or current situation in your life. Alternatively, it indicates that some unconscious material is attempting to make itself known. There are some aspects of yourself that you have denied. 


I honestly don’t know what it means. But for what it’s worth, it’s rooting from fear.

Geez! Guess I’m thinking too much again. :P


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