dreaming with a wooden spoon
In this world, there are only two kinds of people, those who have
dreams and those who are nonchalant.
The first category is where I belong.
My dreams may sound idealistic to some, impossible even, but to me, I live
for that small ray of hope that someday, my dreams will come true.
I would want someone who would support my dreams and not question it.
I would want someone who will be there to hold my hand in my process
of achieving it instead of someone who tells me to stop wasting my time chasing
I would want someone who dreams same or different dreams rather than
someone who is calloused and bitter about life.
I get that dreams are dreams for a reason and it would be nice to
continue living because aside from the daily routine, you have this bigger
picture of what you want your life to be. It is not to say that you are blinded
by a false interpretation about life, but you aim to do more within the given
time frame you walk in around this world.
I used to think that my circumstances won’t get me far as compared to
those born with a silver spoon, but the more I dream, the more I feel that my
dreams are within my reach. No matter how small or big those dreams are, they
mean the same, they’re up to be aimed.
I like to believe that even if society seems to categorize you as this
or that, there is always a variable and this variable is one that makes it
worth living.