friendship lessons
What I learned in FRIENDSHIPS are these:
No matter how honest you are, You are honest
only to people who want you to be honest.
For example, a friend who is open to criticisms and
is cool about it, whether or not she asks if the dress looks good on her, and
you honestly say it sucks on her… she will accept it and thank you for being
honest. For friends who are less open and defensive, they’d think you are
talking negativities. Choose wisely.
You can’t expect someone to be open to you no
matter how open you are to them. Hide your cards well. Never assume they owe it
to you too.
Be complete even if it means removing people in
your life. Our heart is made up of people who occupies space in it. But not
everyone deserves the spot. Remove them. At one point it will become a hole but
true people who deserve it will occupy it sooner than you think.
Be kind but firm. Being nice is good but don’t
let people construe you as someone “spineless”.
Know when to say NO and when to give in. Do not allow
them to abuse your kindness.
Love yourself. Be who you are and never settle
for less.