

I always find a way not to talk about it whenever I have a chance. I find it too scary, too sad and too depressing.

I am constantly shocked when I hear someone pass away at a very young age.

I recently read a post of my friend who has a friend who passed away at 24. She had cancer. Imagine? 24?? When life has just begun? When the world has just been giving a new meaning? When we’re all finding our own place in this world?

Seriously, I find it disturbing. I have someone I knew back in college that is suffering from prostate cancer too; the other one is breast cancer… My gosh! How cruel can this world be? Why so young? Why that kind of illness? Why them? Why… why?

It seems frustrating that age doesn’t matter anymore. I cannot speak for them and their sufferings but I can speak for the age bracket that I am in. It scares the hell lot of me honestly.

I told my friend last night, hey, why do I always feel like I will be passing away at a young age? And she said me too. Whaattt?!  Why do we feel this way? Is this normal? Or are we both abnormal?

I am scared because of the people who will be left around. I always feel they’ll find it hard to move on without me. Who does right? We’re just too few in the family. I feel scared of the sorrow I might have caused I feel scared of the people I cease to help out with.  I feel scared because of the things I never said or expressed. I feel I have so many things to say and do, but I haven’t said/ done anything.

And with all the posts I read and hear about batch mates, friends and schoolmates...

It reminds me not to be hurdled by my daily battles at work, in the society and the community as a whole; it makes me realize to live my life more. To pause and enjoy, inhale and exhale freely, to savour the moments, even the littlest of it. To find time for the things I love to do, amidst the busy schedule and lastly, to celebrate the existence of people who made this life more meaningful and worthwhile to me.

How can I choose to think of DEATH when the thought of being ALIVE appeals to me more? How can I be scared of death, when from the very start, we are all predestined to die? How can I be scared of DEATH when I have lived the LIFE, I always imagined? How can I be afraid of DEATH when God himself promised me eternal LIFE with him?


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