on freeing myself
I don’t want to go on blindly following the queue
without really knowing what I’m queuing for.
I just kind of feel suffocated trying to fit in the
mold that I made for myself and it does not bring me the satisfaction that I hoped
for. I don't want to be tied down to the shackles that instead of contributing for my growth, gave me NO freedom to do what I want.
Truth be told, I don’t want to endure anymore. I am done.
I want to set myself free from my own expectations.
And although my dream is a huge thing, that is why I am
here, trying to make things work, I do believe that apart from this, I can make
hundred other dreams more.
I won’t push myself too hard anymore because I’ve done
it so much, I lost myself in the process. I won’t try so damn hard where I know
it only pains me.
It’s okay. I can let go.
Whenever I imagine my life after… I can’t help but feel
the fear of nothingness.
However, Fear is a result of lack of faith.
So while my mind creates terrible scenarios, I’ll close
my eyes and listen to my heart.
I bow down in surrender, I’m taking off from the wheel
and let God do the rest for me.