the truth about Looks...

“Looks are not important.”

I beg to disagree. Without hypocrisy.

Our world works well with beauty. We like beautiful things, easy on the eyes, a joy to see.
We are in the society with biased perceptions.
We trust a person who is clean and dresses well rather than a person with dirty appeal.

Few years back I applied for one of the biggest banks in the world and luckily, I was accepted.
I knew later on that a good friend was chosen as well.
One day, the manager saw us together in a different bank and told us, “Why, You are both here!”
We learned later on that we were chosen partly because of our CV photos.

Whether we admit it or not, We like beautiful people.
We fall into their trap so easily.
My crushes all look the same to me, they all have good looks.

I believed at one point, I had it too. I may not have the best features but I am somewaht confident (HAHAHA buhat-bangko)
But along the way, I lost it to stress, age and weight gain.
And when my sister points out that I look different now than what I was back then, she makes it so obvious that I look unattractive nowadays.
I know that for a fact but I can’t help myself from feeling so disappointed and frustrated.

Looks are not important, they say, but IT is.
Let’s cut the bull and admit that we give special attention to beauty.
We spend so many hours in the mirror, perfecting that hairdo, putting on that lipstick, trying out that new dress. We spend a fortune on buying things that make us look good.
Because admit it or not, looking good feels so good!

We all know that being kind is eternal but having the looks makes you kind of special.
People are drawn to you in one glance, wanting to see more of you, know more than that pretty face.
You kindness will only show after piquing up their interest because of your beauty.
In a newspaper, It’s like a headline, it catches your attention then make you read it further.
It is only then you are able to judge if the news is good or bad. Well-written or rubbish.

I’d sound presumptive to say that most opportunities are attributed because you have good looks.
When you use it With charm, you can be everything. With the right attitude, you are ahead of the game.

Looks are important because it is a selling point. It is the cover of the book. The title of the movie. The picture of your story.

Looks are not the everything but it can ultimately jump start you to be something!


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